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Catholic Life

Mission and Vision-Liturgical and Worshipping Life of the School-RSE &PSHE-Behaviour, Conduct and Attitudes
Catholic Social Teaching- Chaplaincy-Retreats and Visits

Here at St Peter’s we are proud witnesses to Christ being the centre of all that we do. We are committed to being part of the mission of the Church to educate our children in the Catholic faith

The Headteacher, staff and governors firmly believe that the whole school environment, the curriculum, its policies, our relationships and the ways in which we work with one another in our community supports the provision of an outstanding Catholic Life at St Peter’s Catholic Primary School.

We actively support family life in the occasions and events of the school and together with the Parish of St Edward the Confessor and the active work of the PA we nurture our children in the Catholic faith and sustain our Catholic Identity.

Link to the Parish of St Edward the Confessor- https://www.stedwards-romford.org.uk 

Mission and Vision

The Mission Statement and Vision of our school underpins the work of our school and the physical environment testifies to the Catholic identity and character of our school.

Our Gallery

Liturgical and Worshipping Life of the school

Pupils thrive in their participation of assemblies, liturgies, school Mass and events that mark the liturgical year.  Children here at St Peter’s enthusiastically embrace being in a Catholic school and engage maturely to the Prayer and Worshipping life of the school.

Catholic Life at St Peter's

Relationships Education, Relationships and Sex Education, Health Education and PSHE

All our programmes are thoughtfully designed and consistently taught well and celebrate Catholic Teaching and principals.St. Peter’s Catholic Primary School has agreed to follow the programme ‘A Journey in Love’ as recommended by the Diocese of Brentwood. Our PSHE and Health Education programme is taught using the Jigsaw programme.

Behaviour, Conduct and Attitudes

The children tell us that they enjoy school and are happy and resilient.  From a very early age, children are able to describe ‘what is special’ about St Peter’s when new children and visitors come to the school. Surveys tell us that they see St Peter’s as a good school in which everyone is friendly to each other.  Children say that they like their lessons, the frequency of themed days and special events and this contributes to them becoming joyful, happy children who conduct themselves well.  They value and respect others and enjoy congratulating each other on their successes and achievements.  Their very good attitudes to school life supports them in recognising the capacity to praise, give thanks and the need at times to say sorry and ask forgiveness.

Catholic Social Teaching

Children here at St Peter’s enthusiastically embrace being in a Catholic school and part of the Parish. They take on areas of responsibility that promote the schools Catholic Life and Mission within school and in the community.  Active pupil groups such as the Prayer and Worship Group, CAFOD Club and the Eco Council contribute significantly to the children’s awareness of the needs of others, social justice and being a steward of creation.

The work of CAFOD supports our children in their awareness of being an active Global citizen leading them to participate in a range of assemblies, charitable events and campaigns across each school year. Pope Francis' letter Laudato Si' remains a profound invitation to care for our planet, our common home and one that is embraced and keenly understood by the children at St Peter’s. Children are exceptionally receptive to the Church’s Social teaching and the Pope’s letter Frateli Tutti is used regularly to teach the children that we are all part of a global family and a neighbour to all.


We are privileged to be supported by Fr Dominic Howarth, Parish Priest of St Edward the Confessor, Romford, as our Chaplain. Fr Dominic is a regular visitor to our school and together with the Headteacher the worshipping nature of our school and the Liturgical Calendar is reviewed on a regular basis.The children delight in Fr Dominic attending our school to support them in their spiritual development, the events surrounding the liturgical year and the celebration of Mass and Reconciliation. St Peter’s actively supports the life of the parish and signposts parents and pupils to the times of Masses and events of the parish.

Retreats and Visits

Infant children are invited to visit St Edward’s Church for a tour of the church led by Fr Dominic to explore an RE theme and an opportunity for prayer. Junior children engage in a programme of visits to the Synogogue and Mosque to enhance their understanding of our Other Faith programme as part of our RE. Year 5 pupils are invited to attend a residential retreat experience in the summer term led by the Brentwood Youth Service.  It is an opportunity for personal prayer, reflection and a group bonding experience to discover each other’s gifts and talents through prayer, drama and singing and is always well attended. All children are invited to attend the school Prayer Garden.

Link to Walsingham House at Abbotswick https://bcys.net/whabbotswick/

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